As you maybe noticed in the blog main page, only a couple of releases are coming in the next weeks: these ones will probably be the last in 2013.
One is MAURIZIO BIANCHI / MUSEO DELLA TORTURA "NHHNMBMDT" split tape, co-released with the friends ANGST & SUICIDE, out really soon, it is a matter of few days;
second one is NL4T / AUTOCANCRENA split tape, released just with SCORZE, hopefully before this summer;
SCORZE will also partecipate in a couple of co-release:
- AUTOCANCRENA / A HAPPY DEATH split tape, inspired to Pasolini's operas, philosophy and aesthetic titled "CARNE UMANA";
- the new album "FLESH POST FLESH" by the italian LE COSE BIANCHE.
Two other bricks in the firm partnership established with ANGST.
Moreover, an unforgotten old co-release for a 7'' grindcore split should be out soon.
I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE NEW COMMITTMENTS IN 2013: due to personal affairs, SCORZE WILL GO INTO HIBERNATION FROM JULY to a date to be determinated. All distro items and new relaeses will be AVAILABLE THROUGH THE BELOVED PARTNER ANGST.
I'm goint to put all the links to ANGST distro very soon.
I hope to come back to the scenes soon, but it might not happen. Who knows.
Stay well